FAQ US SpeedDart International Championship 2023
Q: My team paid and registered to compete. Do I need to purchase tickets for the casual games?
A: A team registered has full access to every part of the event. A separate ticket for casuals is not required.
Q: I’m not interested in competing but I do want to join in on the fun and participate in the casual games, is there a charge for that?
A: Yes, there will be two available options, a one day ticket or a two day. Tickets for open play will be available March 1st and through the event.
Q: I’m bringing friends for support and they don’t play, is there a charge for spectators?
A: Absolutely not! All spectators are free to enter and they are able to enjoy any vendors that are at the venue.
Q: I’m traveling from out of town, are there any travel accommodations?
A: Yes! We have set up a room block with a local hotel that is only a few minutes away from the venue. Rooms are limited and it is first come first served.